Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Revenge of the Turtle

I spoke earlier about changes being made to help Nemo develop a healthy appetite. One change is more exercise. Three times yesterday I moved him into the living room so he could explore and/or hike back to the kitchen. Twice today I had moved him to another location to hike back. The third time I went to get him, he had strategically wedged the lower part of his shell on one side underneath his igloo and another part of his shell on the opposite side under the wrought iron table leg. When I went to pick him up, he was immovable!

Only Nemo knows which way he needs to move to unwedge himself. I certainly did not want to risk damaging his shell! Smart turtle. He decided enough is enough. So much for that idea. I'll get him when he's not figuring out how not to have exercise time. He's too much like me!

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