Monday, October 29, 2007

Tuscan Zen Turtle

I had a funny incident happen yesterday. I wanted to find Nemo a new wading pool. The one he has is the saucer to a very large pot, but I only purchased the saucer. The size is great. The color was great. But it wasn't made so well and it was leaking onto the floor slowly. With the intention of finding a new wading pool, I substituted a serving dish that was appropriate high but gave him about 2" less diameter--and Nemo loves his baths. first I searched 14" serving dishes online but couldn't tell how deep they were. I decided to google "turtle wading dish" to see what was on the market so I could figure out a less expensive alternative. The first hit I got was this blog! lol! In glancing through some of the other hits, someone mentioned a Pyrex baking dish. I didn't find Pyrex, but found THE perfect Nemo wading pool. It's perfect size for him, but also matches our Tuscan Zen decor. It's called Terracotta Cazuel. Ahhhhh. I can just see him on his little floating lounge chair now in the mist sipping cactus juice. If anyone is interested, I found this at